Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Laptops And Female Fertility

Vocabulary Vocabulary Polimodal

imitate reality consists of natural or cultural reality through the visual representation. Figuration

A composition is figurative, when it can recognize elements existing in particular natural or cultural reality. Iconicity

consists of the greater or lesser degree of recognition that can perform on an image; higher degree of iconicity will, when higher level of analysis, then, as you look short, geometric, stylized, or recreation, have a lesser degree of iconicity .
Figuration No
A composition is non-figurative or abstract itself, when it can not recognize specific natural or cultural elements, but can only recognize abstract cultural elements such as points, lines, planes and other geometric figures, or stains. Abstraction

A composition is abstract, when it can not be recognized elements of specific natural or cultural reality, they may simply observe the cultural elements of the abstract, such as points, lines, planes, other geometric shapes, or stains; also say that a composition has a greater or lesser degree of abstraction, when the facts were distorted to a greater or lesser degree with respect to reality natural, cultural or concrete, through synthesis, geometric, stylized or recreation. Aniconic

aniconic images speak, when they can not recognize elements of natural reality, or specific culture, but simply recognize the cultural elements of the abstract, such as points, lines, planes, other geometric shapes, or stains. Analysis

analytical forms called when more details arise, greater degree of representation, iconicity, imitation and fidelity with respect to natural reality, or specific culture. Synthesis

forms are called synthetic the smaller amount of detail presented, with regard to natural reality, or specific culture. Geometrization

geometricized forms are called, when they are represented from the basic constituent of all other forms, such as circle, circle, sphere, and other geometric elements. Styling

stylized forms are known, when submitting distortion with respect to natural reality, or specific culture, so to display processed while retaining their essence, such a flower that shows distorted with respect to the reference model initial, but still displayed as a flower.
recreated forms are called, when they have distortion with respect to natural reality, or specific culture, showing transformed with respect to the initial reference model point of changing the original essence, such a flower taken as a reference model for represent an animal. There

Geometric Abstraction in the compositions where we can not recognize specific natural or cultural elements, but only recognize them, abstract cultural elements, or geometric, such as point, line, plane, and others. There

Lyrical Abstraction in compositions where we can not recognize natural elements or culturally specific, but only recognize in them elements such as points, lines and spots informal. Anamorphosis

is the transformation of an element from its reflection in a concave or convex mirror. Metamorphosis

is the gradual transformation of one element into another, or the passage of an item from one state to another, through successive steps.

Graphite Graphite is a material that serves to draw, is composed of two different elements, one is coal, and one is a harder stone that allows the coal is not shelling and obtain different degrees of hardness, we can find cylindrical packs wrapped in wood, in which case we call pencil, and also found in bars. There are different grades of graphite, the softer, more quantity of coal is the "B", get them more obvious lines and spots and are recommended for drawings, sketches, drawings and all sorts of fast and spontaneous, the hardest , with less carbon are the "H", get them fainter lines and spots, are advised to make drawings with a high degree of analysis. Portrait

is the visual representation of a character, can be analytical, or present different degrees of distortion, with respect to reality. Lifes

is the representation plastic of a set of objects that are part of everyday life more intimate, such as fruits, kitchen utensils and table, stationery, flowers, and others. Landscape

is the visual representation of a panoramic view of natural reality, or specific culture can be a view of mountain, sea, river, forests, cultivated fields, or cities. Traditional Art

is the conception of art from which the elements should be represented as a mathematical ratio and proportion, providing extreme degrees of fidelity in the representation of reference models, implies a high degree of mimesis and iconic, and monitoring standards academic officers. Modern Art

is the conception of art from which begins a series of experiments designed to dissolve or set break with the traditional model, developed in the twentieth century by many artists, is the culmination of thirty years before the end of the century, expressed in vanguards such as impressionism, expressionism, cubism, surrealism, neo, abstract expressionism, among many others. Vanguard

Impressionism art developed since the late nineteenth century until the early twentieth century, characterized by representing images outlined in quick brushstrokes of complementary colors, blending Figures from the funds, by eliminating rigid contours of limitation between them, dominate the landscape as its main theme. Vanguard

artistic Expressionism developed in the early twentieth century, characterized by distorted forms to better express the situation of human beings and society of the time, the brushwork is fast, loose and sometimes aggressive, the use of color is free, used to define the black outlines, or exaggerate the expression of the characters. Vanguard

Cubism art developed in the first half of the twentieth century, characterized by representing the elements from the geometry, and simultaneous multiview same, enter the collage, resulting in the inclusion of foreign elements to the support and the pigment. Vanguard

Surrealism art developed in the first half of the twentieth century, characterized by strange relationships between characters and between characters and the space, establishing a game with the impossible, distorts the elements in stylized and fantastic transformations, can be divided into two currents, "photographs of hand-painted dreams," as Dalí called his work and auto painting. Neo

artistic Vanguardia developed in the first half of the twentieth century, characterized by respect level writing same internal rules, with planes and vertical and horizontal bands of primary colors and neutrals. Vanguard

art Abstract Expressionism developed in the first half of the twentieth century, characterized by informal compositions made with points, lines or spots of color or value, also supports the collage, including different types of materials on the plane, outside the pigment. Representation

involves the apparent inclusion of the elements in the plane, through drawing, painting, or printing them. Presentation

consists of the actual inclusion of the elements in the plane, through collage or gluing. Collage or gluing

is the artistic process through which elements are incorporated in the plan to build a composition. Photomontage

involves cutting different printed items, to join them later in an essay on the plane. Mosaic

is to cut with scissors, maps of different colors, values, and / or textures, to join them on the plane putting together a composition. Bucking

consists of pieces with his hands the papers, to assemble the composition juxtaposing fragments. Assembly

is the equivalent of gluing or collage, in three dimensional space, artistic process used by many artists in the modern and contemporary sculpture. Print

technique is a representation of visual images through the printing or copying of elements. Stamping

is the artistic process is to represent elements, inking and pressing them onto a plane. Stencil

is a sheet of paper, cardboard, or acetate, fortified in various ways.

Positive Representation of the figure on the plane. Representing the Negative

background on the plane. Monocopia

is the artistic process is to represent elements, fashion designer, in the manner of the painter, or how the recorder, through copying of them on a plane. Tempera

is a chemical compound aqueous pigment serves to paint should be used diluted with water so as to obtain a paste consistency opaque and opaque. Contemporary Art

involves the current conception of art, where each artist works independently, having an openness to differences of proposals, and a break around linear processes, where one style replacing another that preceded it.

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Module is the smallest measure, taken into account in establishing relationships and overall proportions of a particular model, for example in the human head. Canon

is made up of the amount of times you can repeat the module, or minimum unit of measurement, vertically and horizontally, in the whole model, for example in the human figure, the head module is repeated seven times vertically and horizontally one and a half or until almost two.

Sensitive Line is the line you have to vary along its length, becoming more or less obvious, darker and more clear, thick or thin, as are light shade or areas they want represented. Sensible Mancha

is the stain that has to change in the area it covers, making more or less obvious, darker or lighter, combining gradations and degradations value, as are the gray areas represent light or who want to make sense of volume or tridimension apparent on the plane.

Graphite Graphite is a material that serves to draw, is composed of two different elements, one is coal, and one is a harder stone that allows the coal is not shelling and obtain different degrees of hardness, we can find cylindrical packs wrapped in wood, in which case we call pencil, and also found in bars. There are different grades of graphite, the softer, more quantity of coal is the "B", get them more obvious lines and spots and are recommended for drawings, sketches, drawings and all kinds of rapid, spontaneous, the hardest, with less carbon are the "H", get them fainter lines and spots, are advised to make drawings with a high degree of analysis. Front Perspective
front perspective of an item, room or landscape, when these are oriented with respect to the viewing screen or frame of the observer. Angular Perspective

We have the perspective angle of an element, room or landscape, when these are disoriented with respect to the viewing screen or frame of the observer.

horizon line is horizontal happens at infinity up to the viewer's eye. Principal Point

is the point of intersection between the horizon and the line from the viewer's point of view to the horizon, from the same side wall may be constructed of elements oriented with respect to the screen the observer.
Points are the points equidistant from the main point, which are also on the horizon, and we used to build the walls of the elements oblique or disoriented with respect to the observer's screen. Value

is the degree of lightness or darkness of an object is constituted by so-called neutral such as white, black, and gray are obtained by mixing pigment between them. Key
A composition is determined in high key, when premium light it, consists of white and lighter gray. Media Key

A composition is determined in key media, when it involved only intermediate gray, or they prevail. Low Key

A composition is determined in low key when it's dark cousin, consists of black and darker grays. Primary Colors

In chemistry, color or pigment, are the basic colors from which you get the other colors, namely red, yellow, and blue.

secondary colors are the colors derived, obtained by mixing equal parts of two primaries, red, yellow get more orange, yellow, blue get more green, and red over the blue we get violet. Middle Colors

colors are derived, which are obtained by mixing different proportions of two primary, we obtain from yellow to red, the yellow orange and red orange, yellow to get the yellow blue green and blue green, red get the red to blue violet, blue and violet. Broken

Color or Grey colors are not, and are obtained by mixing two secondary, or mixing two tertiary, the tertiaries are obtained by mixing two secondary, mixing orange and green get the ocher land, mixing orange and purple get the red earth and green and purple by mixing blue get the oil. Harmonization

Possible combinations of colors in a composition. Monochrome

harmonization is a relationship, and involves the inclusion of a single color, used in its pure form, mixed with white or black or gray. Analogy

harmonization is a relationship, and involves the inclusion of various colors similar or like they have a common color. Complementary Contrast

harmonization is contrast, the complement of a parent is the secondary color formed by the two remaining primary, there are three possible pairs of complementary red and green, yellow and violet, and blue and orange. Color Trio

Harmonic alignment is a contrast, and involves the inclusion of the three primary colors, or the three secondary colors. Tempera

is a chemical compound aqueous pigment serves to paint should be used diluted with water so as to obtain a paste consistency opaque and opaque. Figuration

A composition is figurative, when it can recognize elements existing in particular natural or cultural reality.
Figuration No
A composition is non-figurative or abstract itself, when it can not recognize specific natural or cultural elements, but can only recognize abstract cultural elements such as points, lines, planes, and geometric shapes, or stains.

Monica Roccaforte, Clip

EGB EGB order Polimodal

. 01
Select a photo of your face and the faces of some personality, character, friend or relative. Act it out from the observation and study of ratios and proportions, with as much detail as possible, taking into account the concept of mimesis and analysis of form, and the concept of line and sensitive spot, drawing with color pencils.
. 02
Select a photograph of the face of a celebrity, which highlights a positive or negative expression. Look at the picture and makes a statement about what might be happening inside presumably the character in the time of the photo having been removed. Compenétrate of the short story, a portrait and then distort the reality, so you can better express the inner feeling of the character, taking into account the concept of stylized forms, and the concept of line and sensitive spot, drawing with color pencils.
. Select
03 different objects of everyday life and put together a composition. Act it out afterwards from the observation and study of ratios and proportions, with as much detail as possible, taking into account the concept of mimesis and analysis of form, and the concept of line and sensitive spot, drawing with color pencils .
. Select
04 different objects of everyday life and put together a composition. Act it out afterwards considering the basic constituent of all forms, ie the geometrical elements from which the selected objects are built to assemble the composition, taking into account the concept of geometric shapes with colored pencils.
. 05
Select the photo of a landscape, observe carefully conducting a study of ratios and proportions, and represent it with as much detail as possible, taking into account the concept of mimesis and analysis of form, and the concept of line and sensitive spot, drawing with color pencils.
. 06
Select the photo of a landscape, and represent, as much detail, taking into account the concept of synthesis of form with color pencils.
. 07
remember a dream I've had, and tell them in no more than twenty-five lines, stopping in detail in the strangest images of the same; then represent it, making fashion a fantastic or imaginary landscape, taking into account the concept of recreation of forms, and the concept of line and sensitive spot, drawing with color pencils.
. 08
Make a composition in the flat, geometric elements, based on rectangles harmonics, taking into account the concept of geometric abstraction with color pencils.
. 09
Make a composition in the plane, with points, lines and / or spots, taking into account the concept of lyrical abstraction with color pencils.
. 10
Look at your own face in a convex mirror, a spoon, or a glass bottle while watching him represent it as you see, considering the concept of anamorphosis, with color pencils.
. 11
Select the picture of two animals, two plants, or two different objects, or an animal and a plant, an animal and an object, an object and a plant, and subsequently made a representation third element that has the characteristics of both items are selected, taking into account the concept of metamorphosis, with color pencils.
. 12
Arma a composition in the plane, cutting with scissors different elements such as fruits, animals, goods, letters, or other natural, cultural or concrete or abstract, gluing and assembling them by juxtaposing them, to form a front face or profile, a tree, or a strange animal.
. 13
Arma a composition in the plane, cutting with scissors drawings printed or otherwise, of different sizes and shapes, gluing and assembling them by juxtaposing them, to form a front face or profile, a tree, or a strange animal.
. 14
Arma a composition plane, arbitrarily chopping hands, plain and printed in different sizes and shapes, gluing and assembling them by juxtaposing them, to form a front face or profile a tree, or a strange animal.
. 15
Make representations through the placing of different objects, such as yarns, fabrics, lace, coins or other, previously inked with tempera.
. 16
Build an acetate stencil, drilling to achieve some kind of composition figurative or abstract, then get a positive and a negative from it.
. 17
Make representations and presentations of different objects, such as yarns, fabrics, lace, or other, through printing, pre-inked with tempera, and through gluing them on the plane.
. 18
base ink acetate with tempera and foam roller, then places a leaf in the bank and draw on it by pressing with the pen on the acetate ink, you will have a positive monocopia a fashion designer.
. 19
paints a strange character on an acetate with gouache, while still fresh in tempera, ink placed on the base sheet of white paper, and puts strong pressure on it with your hands, then remove it to get your monocopia to so the painter.
. 20
acetate base ink with gouache and foam roller, then fractions of material removed with a cloth, a stick, or a clean bristle brush, being still fresh in tempera, ink placed on the base sheet of white paper, and puts pressure on it with your hands, then remove it to get your monocopia to the way the recorder.
. 21
combines three different compositions, each of the possibilities of monotype, glued or printed papers, or items such as yarn, fabric, lace or other, thus achieving represent and present visual images.
. 22
Arm a composition in the three-dimensional space, representing a strange animal, through the assembly of boxes of different sizes, threads, fabrics, lace, wire, cans.

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. 01
Make a recognition visual and tactile one of your hands, then find a comfortable position, resting on the table and watching intermittently Act it through a line drawing and sensitive spot with graphite pencils.
. Notes
02 eyes, mouths, noses and ears of at least four others, representing each part of face as closely as possible, through a line drawing and sensitive spot with graphite pencils.
. 03
Look at the face in front of a partner and represent it in the light ratios and proportions between the parties, through a line drawing and sensitive spot, with pencils graphite.
. 04
Look at the face of a partner profile and represent it in the light ratios and proportions between the parties, through a line drawing and sensitive spot with graphite pencils.
. Notes
05 full figure of a standing partner, and perform taking into account relations and proportions between the parties, and the concepts of form and fee, through a line drawing and spot and sensitive, with graphite pencils.
. Notes
06 full figure of a seated companion, and perform taking into account relations and proportions between the parties, and the concepts of form and fee, through a line drawing and sensitive spot with graphite.
. 07
Watch a group of at least four others located in different positions, and represent it in the light ratios and proportions between the parties, and the concepts of form and fee, through a line drawing and sensitive spot with graphite.
. 08
represent the frontal perspective of the interior of a room, including at least three pieces of furniture and a human figure, taking into account the concepts of skyline and main point by a line drawing and sensitive spot, graphite color.
. 09
represent the perspective of the interior angle of a room, including at least three pieces of furniture and human figure, taking into account the concepts of horizon and points away, using a line drawing and sensitive spot, graphite color.
. 10
Make a list of at least ten items from serving on the front of a house, then select those that interest you most, and is the front perspective of an ideal home abroad, having regard to the concept of horizon and main point by a line drawing and sensitive spot, graphite color.
. 11
Taking into account the list made in the previous exercise, select the items that interest you most, and represents the angular perspective of the outside of a dream house, taking into account the concept of horizon and points away, using a line drawing and sensitive spot, graphite color.
. 12
Make a scale of values, from white to black, gray achieved by mixing eight different tempera and brushes.
. 13
Perform three compositions of value, first in high key, using the white and lighter gray, the second in key media, applying the intermediate gray, and the third low-key, using the black and dark gray, with tempera paint and brushes.
. Make
14 color scales, from a primary color to get to another primary color and get the secondary colors and color intermediate, as the three possible combinations, from yellow to red, yellow for the orange, orange, red and orange, from yellow to blue, yellow for the green, green, blue and green, and red blue for the red violet, violet, blue and violet, with tempera and brushes.
. 15
Select one of three color scales made in the previous year, and establish a list of at least ten elements of nature, culture, feelings, and emotions that evoke your criteria colors selected scale , then represent the landscape or scene you are most interested in the list, painting with watercolors for and brushes.
. Make
16 scales based on a sub to get to another side, and get the tertiary color gray broken or concerned in the three possible combinations, from orange to green to get the land ocher orange to purple to obtain red earth, green and violet blue to get the oil.
. 17
Making a tertiary composition as the natural landscape, urban, or psychological that they will evoke, for painting with tempera paint and brushes.
. 18 Make a picture
figurative or abstract painting with a color used in its pure form or mixed with white, with black or gray, with tempera and brushes.
. 19 Make a picture
figurative or abstract painting with colors similar or like having a common color, with tempera and brushes.
. 20 Make a picture
figurative or abstract painting with a pair of complementary colors, bearing in mind that the complement of a primary color, the secondary is formed by the two remaining primary, with tempera paint and brushes.
. 21 Make a picture
figurative or abstract painting with the three primary colors, or all three secondary colors, with tempera and brushes.

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Unit One
From Mimesis Abstraction
the shape. Analysis. Synthesis. Geometrization. Stylization. Recreation. Anamorphosis. Metamorphosis. Geometric Abstraction. Lyrical Abstraction. Relation to the stylistic trends that allowed the passage of traditional art to contemporary art

Unit Two
From Representation to
Pesentación Procedures. Collage. Photomontage. Mosaic. Bucking. Decollage. Assembly. Stamping. Stencils. Monoprint. Contemporary Art