Teacher Bibliography
Lowenfeld, Viktor. Creative Capacity Development. Kapeluz. Buenos Aires. 1980.
Sikora, j. . Manual of creative methods. Kapeluz. Buenos Aires. 1998.
Gardner, Howard. Frames of Mind: the theory of multiple intelligences. Fondo de Cultura Economica. Mexico. 1987.
De Bono, Edward. Lateral thinking. Handbook of creativity. Polity Press. Buenos Aires. 2003.
Crespi, Irene and Ferrario, Jorge. Technical vocabulary of the visual arts. EUDEBA. Buenos Aires. 1985.
De Micheli, Mario. Avant-garde artists of the twentieth century. Alliance. Madrid. 2000.
Danto, Arthur C.. After the end of art. Contemporary art and the edge of history. Piously. Barcelona. 2001. Bibliography of the pupil
A check in the school library
Universal Encyclopedia Illustrated. American European. Children of J. Espasa Editores. Barcelona. 1928.
The museum world. Editorial Codex. Madrid. 1968.
Olivar, Marcial. One hundred masterpieces of painting. Salvat. Barcelona. 1970.
Various Authors. 150 Years of Arte Argentino. Peuser. Buenos Aires. 1961. Painting
Argentina. Ediciones Banco Velox. Buenos Aires. 2001.
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